Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thanksgiving Prayer

Lord, You are my God and i am so glad that no matter what I feel, Your love for me never changes. Help me grow and honour You in all I do. Help me to love others the way You love me and help me to see Your Creation through Your eyes.

This world has so much confusion, so much information and so many theories about every aspect of our existence, and yet You are constant for You are not a God of confusion but of order, and Your promises are True. Father, thank You for the Holy Spirit that dwells in me, thank You for all those small beautiful things that reveal You to me and make my heart melt at the thought of Your careful design of them, like the depth of my ability to sense your presence when I stop to spend time with You - You are always there and Your presence is so tangible. Nothing compares to that!
Thank You that You chose to wire us in such a way that we are all susceptible to see and recognise beauty and desire goodness, love and purity. No matter who we are and where we come from, no matter our path, our past, our hurts, our pain, our miserable experiences, our wickedness and perversion of heart and flesh - we are all capable of compassion, love and to conscientiously choose justice.

Thank You that we are so connected to You and one another, that we carry Your image within us as Your fingerprint on our human souls. Yes, the enemy took all that is truly innocent, pure, beautiful and good and corrupted it within our hearts and minds by putting a perverted spin on it. But no matter how much he tries and how much we stray, Your image is so programmed into us that we desire the restoration with the Source - You, the only True God. We spend our lives trying to figure out who we are, searching for Your image, but we miss it because we look for it in all the wrong places - outside of ourselves. You placed Yourself within us, the last place we would look because sin tainted us and made us feel SHAME (Self Hatred Aimed at Me), causing us to believe the lie. That is how Satan ensnares us when we fall so he can point the finger and say that we are not good enough, aiming the self hatred at us, tainting Your image in us, blinding us to the truth so we would not recognise Your Spirit in us Who makes us more than conquerors! He would rather keep us enslaved to sin... Thank You that You never give up on us and You want to renew our minds and hearts and bring it to the original design.

You live in me and because of that one-time-payment on the Cross for all sin - I am free! The power of the Cross, the ultimate sacrifice of the Lamb whose Blood paid the highest price and washed me clean, releasing Your Spirit in me, setting me firmly as Your daughter - forever victorious!

...and for that I am thankful...

1 comment:

  1. Having the ability to simply "Thank God" is a great blessing. I truly feel the pull of your heart in this Iliana. Thank you for taking the time, the moment, having the zeal to stop and just Thank God... Amen sister, keep up Love and Hope and Efforts towards the "WILL" of Christ Jesus ^_^ You are an Inspiration ^_^ God bless you ^_^
