Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Being on the same page is having the same definition for things. Today was a tough was a challenging day because over and over I felt like even though I was speaking the same language with people it was still in a way as if we were speaking different languages! There was actually a point where I found myself feeling angry...

I realise that there will be many moments when I will find myself in situations when it is inevitable to be on different wavelengths with people. These are moments that I do not particularly enjoy but those are also moments that help to shape me because they challenge my thinking and in a way reinforce what I believe on certain subjects.

Today I realised that depending on where a person is in their life journey, we can have completely different definitions of the same words. This happens so often that we fail to realise we may be talking about one concept and yet see it from such different extreme angles. We might have the same word that we use in  the conversation but have a completely different definition depending on our experience with that concept. This especially applies to the vocabulary used in dating. I mean, the word 'dating' itself can mean so many different things depending on the individual. It makes me appreciate knowing that when I am talking to someone we are actually meaning the same thing. We must really clarify our definitions. Now-a-days I always ask people to define what they really mean when they refer to certain concepts...

It was especially frustrating to talk to a group of adults who were discussing real time issues and the topic of infidelity came up. Excuses such as 'they are men' make me go crazy when it comes to the double standards for our cheating men in this Bahamian society! It was if the men are excused from the responsibility and, thus, are enabled by the women, even the wives! I was furious and had to really try hard to hold my tongue while speaking my mind without eruptions. Speaking to people on the topic of relationships and fidelity I have to be reminded that people may not always share the same convictions and then there is that cultural influence. Oh how I hurt for that kind of mindset. Call me naive, but I still believe in monogamy and faithfulness. With God and developing His character I believe that all things are possible!

It is so easy to be in my comfort zone and be around people who are like-minded. In fact, we strive to surround ourselves with people who are like us. In many ways that is a good thing, because together we are stronger. We encourage one another and get to stay on track as believers. However, it is only when we are challenged that what we believe gets tested. Today I celebrate diversity! We do not have to all be in the same place in the way we think or the way we believe and look at life. Today I recognise the variety, the brokenness and the diversity of the world we live in and I celebrate the one thing that is constant in all this madness - and that is God and His principles...

...and for that I am thankful.

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