Saturday, January 4, 2014

There is not "i" in TEAM

Today was an incredible day of fellowship with some amazing people. I feel thankful and blessed for so many things today, it is hard to even pick out just one!

There are always these moments in the life of a Youth Pastor when you doubt your ability to execute the vision and the plan the Lord puts before you. There are sobering moments of insecurities when I realise that I cannot do this on my own initiative. Thank God I am not meant to and I don't have to because, at the end of the day, He is the One who is in control.

Today was one of those days where I got to witness the work of His hands as I watched how everything organically came together as a result of surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Being at the Adventure Learning Camp for our Youth Ministry Leaders Retreat, as always, was such a beautiful and relaxing experience. We were all blessed and impacted by the message that was brought to us by Pastor K! I am personally thankful for the moments that were shared today in our time of fellowship and getting to know each other better! Feel grateful for the people He put together to journey with as a  team as we enter this season in Ministry :)

...and for all of this I am truly THANKFUL...

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